What in the hell do you think you're doing?
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This old guy
>This is where we live, it's a shitty little planet, escpically the parts around Memphis, TN. If your'e ever there and find it necessary to stay for more than two days, shoot yourself in the head. but you didn't hear it from me.
Other Stuff This is where I say hello to the people who might at one time visit this site out of a lack of something be
Hello Lori, who has a steady liquid diet of coffee and booze.
Hello Gus, who has a pc, but no phone :(
Hello Lisa, who has a $300 phone bill, but no phone.
Hello Toddd, who has a hairy jew to call his own.
Hello Thomas, who... wait a minute, I'm not gonna make fun of myself, what a dolt!
anyway, my new page doesn't suck sooo much, it's linked off gus's now

Zephrius' Hals Ass Page
A Little Less Crappy, I suppose


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Rinky Dinky Fun for a selected protion of the family that find themselves easily amused.

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